Sunday, September 14, 2008


It's been some time since I last updated.. I've since started work in the finance industry, and that has kept me rather busy.

Also, for STI to fall to the levels of 2,500-2,700 is a setback to my investments. That was the level last seen when I started investing, and after two years, I'm back to square one and nursing my losses. But my own stocks portfolio are in defensive sectors and I'm getting reasonable dividend yields :)

Of course the mutual funds I've invested are >30% down and I'll continue holding them for the next one year or so. I'm not sure if I'm caught in the mentality of "selling winners and holding on to losers", but I still believe in long-term fundamentals, even though oil prices falling below US$100 per barrel is an indication of slowing global demand.

Anyhow stay tuned as I start paying more attention to my investment portfolio again.

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